Guiliang Liu

Assistant Professor

The School of Data Science (SDS)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen


Ph.D./ MPhil students recruitment: I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D. or MPhil students with solid mathematical background and programming skill. Should you be interested, please send me an email with you CV, transcript, and publications. Check the potential research topics in my research interest below.

Research Interests

Reinforcement Learning (RL) from Expert Demonstrations. I am interested in the "Inverse" optimization problems. My research interest focuses on aligning the decision-making system with expert demonstrations and human preference under safe-critical system. Relevant research topics include: For more details, please refer to my publications.


Email: liuguiliang[at]cuhk[dot]edu[dot]cn
Address: N0.2001 Longxiang Ave., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Linkedin: Guiliang (Galen) Liu